How to Fix Google Sellers.json File issue in Google Adsense

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In this article, you will learn how to fix the Google seller.json file warning appearing on top of the AdSense Dashboard.

Let’s understand what the google Seller.json file is. 

What Is Google Seller.json File?

Seller.json is an IAB tech lab standard data file that contains the publisher’s seller_id, seller_type, business/individual name, and domain name to help advertisers verify the ad inventory for that publisher.

How to Fix Seller.json Warning Appearing in the AdSense Account

Follow the steps given below:-

Step – 1: Log in to the AdSense dashboard

Step – 2: Go to settings > Account information.

Step – 3: In the Account information option, Go to ‘seller information visibility’, switch to the second option, and make your seller information transparent.

Next, add your domain name like this: (Do not add www or HTTP/HTTPS with your domain)

Finally, that was it.

How to check if I’m listed in the seller.json file?

Simply, click here google seller.json file and use the ‘Ctrl + F’ key, put your publisher ID in the input area, and PRESS ENTER.


So Ready to Fix Google Sellers.json File issue in Google Adsense:-

We have tried our best to Fix the Google Sellers.json File issue in Google Adsense

You can now practically do it.

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