How to Create a Website With Google Sites

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Hello everyone, how are you doing! welcome to Build and Shine, In this article we are going to talk about How to Create a Website With Google Sites .

If you are having your own business and you want to create portfolio for yourself in a quick and easy way, You can do it without any technical knowledge . You just have to follow the steps.

There are many companies that can help you build and publish a website. But Google Sites makes the process very simple, quick , and its free. As its hosted by google itself . Don’t have to worry for hosting .

There are variety of template and themes available you can choose whatever profiles or category of your website and design the way you want .

So here are the few steps you can follow and create your website on Google site :-

How to create a Google Site by yourself :-

Sign in with Gmail account

Step 1: First thing you have to do is sign in with Gmail account and then go to Google sites main homepage .

Select a theme

Step 2: Under “Start a new site” , Choose the template you want to use. By Clicking on “Template Gallery” will expand your options to show you all templates that Google Sites has available. You can choose a theme related to your niche

Edit on-page text and images

Step 3: Enter a title for your home page. Type the title that you want to use into the “Your page title” field at the top of the page.

Step 4: Customize Your Web Page . You can customise your blog with amazing features on the right side as you can see there is a right section which includes of your editing part of your web page designing part of your web page you can change the theme, upload photos , text , images , videos and many more stuffs .

Add page widgets

Step 4: As you edit the main page , you’ll find a list of 14 different widgets that you can use on your webpages. These range from buttons and dividers to charts and forms. Maps and Youtube .

To add a new widget to your webpage, click on it and a new section will be added.

For most widgets, you’ll be taken with a few setup options that dictate how the widget will look and behave.

Step 5: As you complete customising your blog hit “Publish” button on the top-right.

Step 6:  As every Google Sites URL will begin with “”  if you set the web address to buildandshine, your website would be available at,.

You can Opt to Purchase your own ( TLD -Top Level Domain )domain that points to your Google Sites website. After Purchasing a domain through a domain name registrar, such as Google Domains or Namecheap, you will need to point the domain name to on the registrar website.Advertisement

Interesting Fact :

You can also set who’s allowed to see or not your website, and if it should appear in Google searches results.

Drawback :

As there is some limitation on creating a well professional website on Google sites , but it’s very amazing for hobby and school handy project website and you can go if your project is related to hobby or school but if you’re choosing some profession or for business, then go with custom build website .

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I have explained you how to Create a Website With Google Sites

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