What Is DNS? Definition & How DNS Works ~ BuildandShine

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Hello everyone, how are you doing! Welcome to Build and Shine, In this article, we are going to talk about What Is DNS? Definition & How DNS Works. This article will explain exactly what DNS is and how it works in an easy-to-understandable way.

What Is DNS?

Domain names concept illustration Free Vector

The Domain Name System (DNS) protocol was developed in 1983 and it has been used ever since as an essential part of how we connect to websites and other internet resources.

DNS stands for Domain Name System (DNS) and is the most solid foundation of the internet world. Which is the phonebook of the Internet. Computers use to communicate with each other called IP addresses. However, remembering IP addresses is not an easy task for humans.

DNS is a key part of the Internet infrastructure and provides names and addresses for devices that need to be publicly accessible.

Individual device connected to the Internet has a unique IP address that other machines use to find the device.

How does DNS work?

Cloud hosting concept illustration Free Vector

DNS is a helpful method that connects names to IP addresses. DNS automatically converts the names we type in our web browser address bar to the IP addresses of web servers for those specific websites requested.

Thus, when you enter a domain name (e.g., facebook.com), your computer will find your closest DNS server and ask it what the right IP address is for that name. DNS servers are spread all over the world, so your computer can always contact one.

Then, the DNS will return the IP address, and your computer can then address the appropriate machine and display the requested website.

Your computer also uses DNS to find other devices on your network. When you connect to a new network, your computer contacts a DNS server to get its network address.

A DNS server takes a domain name and translates it to an IP address. It does this by first glancing up its own local cache to see if the domain name has been translated before.

If not, it will contact a root server for the top-level domain (TLD) for more details about where to find the IP address for that particular website.

The root server will then tell the DNS server which servers are responsible for translating requests for specific TLDs, such as .com or .co.uk, and then ask those servers to provide the IP address of that website.

DNS translates human-friendly domain names into computer-friendly IP addresses. For example, “www.example.com” might map to “”.

The Domain Name System is an important part of the functionality of the Internet and most likely you’re using it right now to access this website!

What is a Name Server?

A name server is a computer system that translates domain names into IP addresses.

A name server is a computer system that translates domain names into IP addresses. A name server can translate the human-readable URL of a website to the numeric IP address that computers use to communicate with each other.

This is usually done by querying a Domain Name System (DNS) server, which has information about all of the domains registered on the Internet. The DNS server will return the corresponding IP address for that domain, which then allows your computer to communicate with it as though it were an ordinary website.

Why Is DNS Important?

Is DNS Important? Yes, It is very essential and it’s the backbone of the internet.

Domain name System (DNS) is one of the most important, but least understood aspects of the internet. They are responsible for translating human-readable website addresses into the numerical IP addresses that computers use to communicate.

If your DNS is not working correctly, you may not be able to access websites or email servers. In some cases, your entire internet connection can be disrupted. This is why it is important to have a reliable DNS provider and to ensure that your DNS settings are right.

Types of DNS records?

There are several types of DNS records that can be used to manage and configure a DNS server. The most familiar types of DNS records are A, AAAA, CNAME, MX, NS, SOA, and TXT.

How can you make sure your DNS is set up correctly?

When you establish your website, one of the very first things you need to do is set up your DNS. This is because your website isn’t really live until your DNS is set up correctly.

Once your DNS is set up, people can start visiting your website by typing in its web address.

There are a few things you need to do in order to make sure your DNS is set up correctly. First, you need to find a domain name and register it.

Then, you need to find a web hosting company and purchase hosting. Once you have both of those, you can set up your DNS.

Notice Title

As we have discussed the concept of DNS and how does it work.

We have tried our best to explain the vision of What Is DNS? Definition & How DNS Works.

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