What is a static website? Platform to Host Static Site !

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Static websites are the server-side one which are fixed and basically developed with HTML CSS and JavaScript in this static website the content is fixed or same. The user reads the content which is already present on the webpage the same content without any Dynamic content or server is basically known as static website .

As the Static website is Published(developed), the content stays same and doesn’t reflect changes in user actions. If you want to edit or make a change , you must manually edit the HTML source code on every page that’s part of your static website. This can be very time-consuming, especially if you’re updating a big website but if the site is small then its very much perfect to handle and maintain .

Cost-efficiency is another reason companies migrate to a static site because static files are lightweight and often very fast loading and cheaper to serve.

Example of static website :

As you can see I have a online tool section on my website, where there are static site which are build with pure coding of HTML CSS and JavaScript . Its all developed manually from root . It hardly takes 2-3 days to build a static site and live it for ranking . Where you can develop different tools and build your community of a static site which is gonna be very beneficial and have a passive income source.

All the different tools are build on sub-domain of buildandshine . More tools will be updated soon.

Where To Host A Static website ?

Where do I host static website , As My Website are build on subdomains of buildandShine.com as you know static side are very quick in loading and its very efficient . The most importantly you can have multiple static sites of different category it can be in the format of tool or in content format or any important information by giving the value addition to the users .

The More Value you give to the user the more in return you get, that’s how it works . Take it as a business and keep on growing your journey and keep shining .

You can host static websites on GCP- Google cloud Platform which is an google platform it is very efficient and afforadabe . If you are working on PHP sites you can go with PHP my admin its requires a server knowledge . But these kind of static sites are build on HTML CSS and JavaScript .

The Google Cloud Console | Google Cloud Platform for Developers

If you are looking for free platform to host static website then go with blogger.com, where you can host static website without giving any money . You just have to purchase a custom domain and link it with a blogger . Its very quick in loading as it’s hosted by Google itself .

The Complete Guide to All Blogger Page Types (2019) | MY STADY

Well that’s how you can host your static websites on these platforms and build a community of your website which is going to be very beneficial and helpful to you in this way you can develop multiple static websites or a tool or may be any Useful information you can leverage your time which is the most important factor of this static website where you can build and leave it for ranking and go with other keyword, keep loving and keep shining

We will show you how to build and host static website step by step on Google Cloud or maybe in blogger where you can follow my steps and build your static website easily and you need little bit practice regarding static website and what are the ranking benefits and what should we do to rank static websites quickly , will talk more about this in the upcoming articles.

Conclusion :-

I have explained you where to host static websites .

Do read the article carefully . If you have any doubt do ask me . You can Comment down below .

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Thank you, Keep Shining 😍

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