#5 Free Keyword Research Tool To Boost Your SEO

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Looking for the best free keywords research tool for finding amazing keywords ideas for your blog.

As one of the main factors the in blogging journey is the keyword you target, plays a very vital role for your blog the more you find related long-tail keywords for your blog when you initially start your journey of blogging it would be very better for you in ranking factor as you can rank very quick with the short and the long-tail keywords.

Hello everyone, In this article, we are going to talk about the best free keyword research tool and start your journey of blogging.

Here are the 5 best free keywords research tools for bloggers out there.

1. Google Keyword Planner :-

SEO Tool : 5 Tools All SEO Marketer Should Using

Google keyword planner tool for finding new keywords for exact volume of your keyword but let me tell you need to set up your ad campaign before you start using your Google ad account. You have to set up your billing then you can look forward for using Google keyword planner.

Well, Google keyword planner tool is designed with PPC ads in mind. You can find new keywords, words, websites and different blog niche.

You can discover search volume of different keywords you want to target.

Filter results by average monthly searches, competition level, organic impressions, ad impressions, suggested bids, and organic average position.

You can perfectly focus on finding new keywords that you can use to improve your on-page SEO strategy.

2. Google Search Console :-

Google Search Console Data Connector for Marketing Analytics | Adverity

What is Google Search Console?

Google Search Console is a web service by Google which allows webmasters to check indexing status and optimize visibility of their websites

Google search console is an amazing free tool for us website owners out there to analyse the data and keywords.

As it gives you a lot of information that’s very important for SEO strategies, It shows things like what keywords your website ranks for, Which position you rank in for those related keywords, and how frequently user are clicking your search result after typing in specific queries or keywords, and what other websites have linked to your content.

SEO Strategies You Can Do With Google Search Console:-

  • Check out What keywords Your website or content ranks
  • Can have a Look on how users are connecting with your results
  • Can see how many pages of your site are indexed
  • You can check the link to your website

3. Ubersuggest :-

All about Ubersuggest - WP Review Team

Ubersuggest is a free keyword research tool developed by Neil Patel . It Helps on SEO rankings by providing accurate insights about keywords and competitors.

With Ubersuggest free keyword tool, users can view the volume, competitiveness, and even seasonal trends of different keywords.

This is a amazing free tool for any online marketer or business owner with a website.

There are both free and paid version available in Ubersuggest.

You can try this free version with kind of similar data to google but not as accurate as google keyword planner and search console.

4. Google Trends :-

What Is Google Search Trends? How to Start Using It Now (2022)

Google Trends is a website by Google that analyzes the popularity of top search queries in Google Search across various regions and languages. The website uses graphs to compare the search volume of different queries over time.

Google Trends helps to find out different niches you can work depending on your category of your blog.

If you want to see the niche data over the few years then you’ll need to make sure you change your range from “Past 12 months” to “2004-present.”

After you do this you can observe the graph going top and down.

Let me show you a example:-

You can see quite clearly that over the years the fashion niche has grown and still growing .

As you can see in the image the food blogging niche has been up and down with the years.

Well, as in google trends you can find the niche growth over the years and can predict the strategies of any particular topic.

5. Keyword Surfer :-

Keyword Surfer

Last but not the least, we have the are fifth free research tool which is keyword surfer.

Its a very great tool for the newbies out there who finds hard to get the on-page SEOdone for their blog.

To use the free version of this tool you have to download the chrome extension and start exploring the different keywords.

You can target the particular country you want to and target it for a specific keywords. Its very beneficial for you in terms of on-page SEO Strategies for your blog it can give you multiple keywords ideas in the sidebar.

Will show you with a example for how it works:-

As you can see above in the image I have typed the keyword “fashion” and got the search volume, where I choose US as an targeted country and got different keyword ideas in sidebar for better SEO strategies.

This way you can work on different keywords or niche you want to work.


Keyword research is the vital factor for ranking fast and better the SEO factor for your website.

Choose the right keywords for your blog. And don’t mess adding a lot of keywords on your web page.

We have tried our best to explain the Concept of Keyword research.

You can now practically try with your Website using these free tools.

Do read the article carefully. If you have any doubt do ask me. You can Comment down below.

Do share this article if you find it useful. Your every share matters to us a lot.

Thank you, Keep Shining😍 

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