How To Choose the Best Domain Name For Your Blog

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Hello, Everyone 😍

How to Choose a domain name ….!!!

Well, that’s amazing for the new people who’s entering in the world of blogging . Choosing the right domain can play a huge role in your success of your blog .

If the domain name which choose is not that catchy and you feel like changing the domain , would cost you allot of bugs in terms of ranking, seo and domain age .

So its better you analysis and do little bit of research and then proceed with your domain .

But you don’t have to worry at all . I’m here to guide you and find your perfect domain name for your blog .

Let’s get started :-

What is Domain Name ?

Before we go deep into how to choose the domain name, lets know what is domain name and how it works .

Domain name is basically your website name or identity . Where you build your brand name and your online business .

In this process there 2 things you need to understand and know what is the www and . com

Let me illustrate with an example : As the site, Where www – is the protocal and called as world wide web and the instagram is the website name or brand and then .com is your extension .

Tips On How To Choose Best Domain Name

The top-level domain extension is the first and very important point of how to choose domain name. There are few more top level domain exetension but you should first try with . com domain and if in case your not getting the domain name you want , further can go with .net or .org .

But my preference would .com only because it has an pyshcology or people think or trust more for . com domain extension than .org or . net .

Does Niche Play a vital role in domain selection?

As you can see my niche is all about blogging and developing tool based website , where we learn about how to start a blog, make money online and how to build an static based website .

So i had an glance of my domain name to buy .

Its basically like we teach about building new blog on different niche or micro niches and even static website .

Where i wanted an keyword something related to build or rise or shine .

And we choose build and shine . com

The meaning of my domain : Is you build your blog and shine with it .

Where buildandshine is domain name i choose to purchase .

Blog Name Generators To Find Best Domain Name Ideas ?

What are blog name generators ?

Well, its an name generators to find the best domain name ideas for your blog in any topic or word you provide .

It’s an online tool for finding the name for your blog .

So dope ? Yes ofcourse its amazing and dope . You can find many name ideas related to your keywords.

Its very easy and simple to use :-

Here our few website name generators to find the best name for your blog :-

1. LeanDomain Search

Lean domain search is an online generator for website name ideas :

We often use leandomain search for finding names and we get amazing keywords ideas and its worth the use .

Do try it and use .

It gives you an overall connection and adding up the keywords to the domain name you want . In short its so cool to use and can find easily your favourite domain in few minutes .

2. Namlix

Namelix is one of the best in finding the domain name for your blog .

It has an amazing UI – User interface and very quick and lovely to use .

The process is same in every domain generators website : You need to type your keyword and rest it will handle .

In this name generator you have an extra features of choosing the word length. like long, short and medium . You can choose according to your needs.

Its that cool and simple to use .

3. Panabee

As we talk further about this adorable name generator website is so fantastic and very clean .

You need to enter the two words to get started with the name generator .

In this site you find allot features to select your domain name . It gives an variety of option to opt with and can add your keyword in prefix and sufix order . That’s an very interesting i must say .

You can merge the keywords backward or forward and allot more stuff can be done in this website . Check it out .

4. Business Name Generator

Business name generator is an advanced generator for your online business name . It provides different domain name for the brand you want to register and take your online journey to next level.

Hope you all are loving the name generator provided . All have an unquie UI AND the way of presenting the data in a very adoring way .

Last but not the least we have 5th name generator for you all .

5. Isitwp

Isitwp is an goood platform for finding the name you desire . very quick with the result .

Here our few Recommended company to  register a domain name :-

If you have been looking out the domain company for the register for the domain and thinking it might be benefit in terms of ranking and seo but let me tell you , its very important that you select a very good company before you buy a domain .

Choosing the right company reduces you effort and time . It benefits you in a long run and build your brand .

My personal choice for domain company is google domains and NameCheap . Its Supercool and with an amazing affordable price and its very old companies with good reputations.

Some of the popular domain companies !

These our some of the popular domain companies you can try with . But as far my recommendation goes with google domains and NameCheap .

Few tips to avoid wrong selection of the domain name .

1. Stick with .com domain extension

There our many new extension available in the market but the ultimate king of extension is always a . com extension.

Its really very important that you do stick with . com domain for better understanding and thinking about the user base . Because .com domain is very known than any exetension .

And its very widely used domain extension .

2. Keep it short and Classy

Its very cool when the names our short and classy when spell and heard . Make sure you choose a name which is short and clear . Its play an very crucial role in selecting the domain name .

When the domain name is short, it can be easily remembered . That’s an amazing advantage of short name. But at the same time make sure you provide quality of content regarding your niche.

3. Brandable and Unique Name

As you can see the most popular companies like google, facebook, Instagram have an unique and brandable names .

Its really hard in selecting the domain name you desire . Once you finalize its goona tak you very long .

But as far my domain name , it took me nearly a week to find a name which i was looking for .

And let me tell dont select a name which has registered as an trademark .

Do allot of research while selecting the domain name and take your time .Trust me its worth it guys.

4. Avoid Hyphens 

Avoid Hyphens in your domain name you choose . Its hard for to remember the domain with Hyphens .

So please do avoid Hyphens .

5. Try to put your keyword in your domain

Make sure you add a keyword in a domain name . Its very important in ranking your domain and seo benefits .

It makes your work very easy and clean with keyword in the domain name .

6. Do not delay in buying the best domain

As you finished selecting your domain , then do not delay in buying your domain because allot of people might have been searching the domain you choose .

There are an billion of users online . You may miss the chance of buying your fav domain. So act wisely and dont miss a chance.

Frequently Asked Questions Related To How To Choose Domain

Q1. How do I find a unique domain name?

Well, As we discussed earlier that do little bit of research using name generator like .

Q2. Who is the best domain provider?

The best domain provider as far we have used and experienced is google domains and nameCheap .

Q3. What domain name should I choose for my site?

Go with an TLD’S Brandable name – TLD – Top Level Domain . Choose a brandable , Unique and memorizeable . As we told keep it short and classy name .

Q4. What are the 5 most common domain extensions ?

The Most 5 common domain extensions are : .com, .org, .net, .in, and .co .

Conclusion :

Just calm your mind and search your domain peacefully .

Take your time and not to rush with it

Domain our the very most important factor in developing your online business .

Do read the article carefulluy and find your domain name .

Do Share this article if you find it Useful . Your every share matters us allot .

Thank you 🙂

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Posted in seo

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