➤ What is a Blog Post? Structure of a Blog Post ✔️

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Are you looking to start a blog or started one, If so you will think the next step would be how to write a blog post.? The main success for your blog is your content the more value you provide to the user the more in return you get.

Writing extraordinary content is very impressive and increases the trust factor between the users and keeps the users engaged with your site.

You have to plan the concept before you write a post on any topic. It improves your writing skill and plays a vital role in ranking your post.

Writing a well-established post is a crucial part of your blog post.

In this article, we are going to talk about What is a Blog Post? Definition and How to write a blog post?

What Is Blog Post ?

The Blog post is an article you write on a blog. It can be in a form of text, photos, infographics, or videos.

The content available on a blog is called a blog post. Where the writers (bloggers) share their knowledge of a particular niche.

The blog is very important as it plays a vital role in online marketing. A Blog is a place where writers from different fields share their views on particular topics or niches.

As explained in the dictionary the meaning of the blog post A regular record of someone’s thoughts, opinions, or experiences put on the internet for people to read):

The Structure of a blog post:-

Difference between Blog and Website

People get confused about what is blog and website and they still think what is the difference between blog and website how do we distinguish the blog and website but don’t have to worry I am going to teach you the difference between blog and website.

The difference between a blog and a website is that the blog is dynamic and content is updated frequently. A blog is a type of website where the content is presented in reverse chronological order (the latest article will appear first). Blog content is often referred to as entries or “blog posts”.

Usually, websites are static where content is organized on different pages, and they are not updated frequently. Whereas a blog is dynamic, and it is usually updated frequently.

Well, You can use WordPress to create both, a website and a blog. In simple terms, all blogs can be a website or part of a website. However, not all websites can be called blogs.

As you can see in the image below, I have a blog section that updates frequently whenever I Publish a Post.

Build and shine is a blog and a website. We have a separate section for the blog post and also content that is published in a non-blog format like Contact us, Guide, and About Us.

How To Write A Blog Post?

Headline :-

The main strategy is your headline, title of your blog post it plays an important role by capturing the attention of the users and getting more traffic to your website make sure you add a Keyword which you are working on your title.

The more catchy the title is the more it grabs the attention of the user and ranks your article.

Featured Image :

Add a Featured image related to your topic as unique photographs which are very attractive and easy to understand the concept of your article.

You can add multiple images like infographics which helps in ranking and SEO Factors .

Publish date :-

Publish the date of your blog content is optional but recommended. If you frequently update your blog, post dates can help your visitors to determine the recent posts.

Author :-

The Author line on your blog post helps readers to identify who wrote the content and gain trust and plays a vital role in your brand building.

Introduction :-

The initial paragraph of your blog represents the introduction of your article your writing on a particular topic which reflects the user to continue or leave the blog as he sees the introduction. Don’t forget to add the keywords you working on with different Strategies and make sure you add the main keywords on different paragraphs where you get a ranking benefit and SEO.

Main Content :-

So now comes the main part of your blog post that’s the main content where your headline should meet the needs of the users. Now the main content should please the user and give them the value they looking for.

It should solve the needs they are wanting if not the user will start going to a different blog post. The word length of your blog post can range around 400 to 2500 words.

Make sure you provide the value between the word limit in a very understanding way.

Sub Headings :-

You can add different subheadings which makes the users understand the concept better and breaks the content.

If you working on a long word blog post it’s mandatory to break down the content into subheadings and make it easy for the user to read and understand the concept of the blog post.

Bulleted or numbered lists :-

You can add bulleted or numbered list in your blog post which help separate out steps and tables with useful content.

Video :-

This concept helps the blog to rank faster and plays a vital role. You can add a video of the blog post you working on.

Where the user can watch the video and understand even better way. The best thing is to add both.

Conclusion :-

The conclusion should list the key takeaways from the blog post. At the end of your blog post to summarize the content you’ve written. The reader should understand what all you’ve covered.

Social share buttons :-

The most important Social media is a useful tool for marketing your blog post content. You need to make sure to add social buttons to all your content, so the audience can easily share it on social platforms. You can place them at the top of your content, at the bottom of your content, or on the side, as a floating widget. Whatever place suits your website you can add the social sharing buttons.

Comments section :-

The crucial part of your blog is the comments section where the users can interact with you and other visitors.

You must respond to the comments and open the conversation with the readers. Which helps you in ranking your website.


We have tried our best to explain the Concept of What is a Blog Post and the structure of a Blog Post.

You can now practically try with your content and with different a approach. Your content should stand out from the crowd and shine.

Do read the article carefully. If you have any doubt do ask me. You can Comment down below.

Do share this article if you find it useful. Your every share matters to us a lot.

Thank you, Keep Shining 😍

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