International Blogging Niche Idea (High CPC + Traffic)1.5Million

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Hello Everyone, how are you doing? Welcome to build and Shine. In this article, I would reveal a keyword based on an international blogging niche idea.

The keyboard which I am gonna reveal has an amazing search volume around of 1.5 million and if you create a blog on that particular micro-niche it’s gonna give you wonderful results in the long run.

The keyword is based on the Spanish language targeting International micro-niche.

So the keyword is Números Romanos

As you can see in the above image it has around 1.5 million search volume.

The best thing is it’s a micro-niche website. So you just have to develop a website, write proper content targeting different keywords and leave it for ranking that’s an advantage of our running a micro-niche website.

Important Steps To Start a Micro Niche Website

  • Make sure you buy a domain name based on your keyword.
  • Make sure the keyword search volume is more or around 1lakh
  • Make sure you provide good value to the end user

Create a blog around this micro-niche and target the different sub-keywords of the main keywords in your blog.

As you can see in the above image, I have provided you the keywords volume in keywords planner.

I would give you the keyword list So that you can get keyword ideas and work more efficiently.

Where to host this Micro Niche Website?

There are many options available to host your micro niche website

I will mention some of the options that I have used and tested.

1. Google Cloud Storage

2. AWS – AWS S3

3. Hostinger

So this was the keyword that I wanted to share with you all about where you can start your international Micro Niche website.


International Blogging Niche Idea (High CPC + Traffic)1.5Million

You can start your micro niche website on this niche. As it has a good search volume of around 1.5Million.

Make sure you give value to the users and design your website attractively.

Provide a decent look to the website with responsive functionalities.

We have tried our best to explain International Blogging Niche Idea.

Do share this article and I hope you found this article helpful.

Do read the article carefully. If you have any doubt do ask me. You can Comment down below.

Your every share matters to us a lot.

Thank you, Keep Shining😍

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