How to Build a Chrome Extension – Build and Shine

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Chrome extension is very effective and creates a positive signal in ranking our website on google.

It creates an extra backlink to our website that helps us rank fast and quickly.

Hey Yeah! Looking for how to build a Chrome Extension for your blog or for your business? Yes, of course, then hold on you are at the very right place.

What is a Chrome Extension?

Google Chrome extensions are a program that modifies the experience or adds functionality to the chrome browser.

Well, Creating a chrome extension is similar to creating a web application, but it requires a manifest.

These extensions can help you perform certain functions in your browser, modify existing behaviors and enhance your way of working.

It gives an advantage by giving extra benefits in improving your SEO.

As you can see in the above we have created an extension of our website. Which is simply clean.

Chrome extensions are basically built with HTML, JavaScript, and CSS scripts.

An example of the chrome extension is:

  • Password manager extension
  • Grammarly extension
  • Ads blocker extension
  • Adding to-do lists or notes to the website

How Chrome extensions are helpful?

Chrome extensions are self-built that are helpful in terms of defining your single task and they can be easily understandable.

If you create one for your website it’s going to give you an additional backlink, That can be taken to your main website.

That increases your presence on google and built authority with it.

Why Should I Create a Chrome Extension?

As of 2022, Google’s Chrome is the top leading internet browser in the world with a global market share of 64.91 percent.

It increases your website traffic and is a better ranking.

Usually building a website takes a lot of time but building a chrome extension takes extremely less time.

Step-by-Step Guide to Creating a Chrome Extension

Let’s finally get started with building a Chrome extension

Step 1:

Initially, you need to analyze what functionalities and user interface are you giving because before creating an extension you need to exactly know what are you going to deliver to your end users and what will it do.

Step 2: Create a Directory for Your Extension

Now to get going with your extension you need to create a directory and store all your files of your extension.

Step 3: Make Your Extension’s Manifest File

Every extension requires a manifest file

Foremost, create a manifest.json file and include the following code.

  "name": "Getting Started Example",
  "description": "Build an Extension!",
  "version": "1.0",
  "manifest_version": 3

This lets your extension load properly.

Then, we need to add an icon to the extension that will be clicked open a web page created by us.

Include the following code inside the file.

   "default_popup": "popup.html",
   "default_icon": "icon.png"

Next, we’ll need an HTML page, to show when a user clicks our Browser Action button.

For that will create a popup.html file.

"permissions": ["storage"],
  "action": {
    "default_popup": "popup.html",

Next, you will need a few icon files for your browser extension. Create the following versions of your icon.

    "icons": {
        "16": "icon.png",
        "32": "icon.png",
        "48": "icon.png",
        "128": "icon.png"


Step 4: Build the Chrome Extension UI

Now you have to decide on the user interface of your Chrome extension.

Try to keep the interface very simple and user-friendly.

Open up the popup.html page in your text editor and include the following code:

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="style.css">
    Your extension content here ...!!
    <script src="popup.js"></script>

You can add any additional HTML code into the file according to your need and design with it.

You’ll have seen in this HTML the popup.js script is included.

This is where we’ll put the JavaScript functionalities for our extension, it will execute when the button is clicked.

Add your style.css file for the styling of your extension.

Step 5: Load Your Extension into Chrome and Check for Errors

You can test your Chrome extension and check if there are some errors.

Here are a few steps to check this:-

  • Simply, Go to chrome://extensions in your Google Chrome browser
  • In the top right corner switch on “Developer mode”.
  • Click “Load Unpacked” to see file-selection options
  • Select your extension directory

If your extension loads quickly without any error then you have perfectly uploaded your extension.

But if there is some error that means you have not properly set your extension there might be some mistake you have done.

Step 6: Add in Some Logic (Javascript)

Its basically how the user interacts with your extension

Logic can tell your extension to execute certain actions, such as what to do when a button is clicked.

This part is basically more of functionality and interaction of your extension.

You can create according to your extension need. But it requires good control of the javascript language.

Step 7: Time to Test Out Your Extension

After completing your extension you can now test whether there are some errors.

You can try different samples and then publish your extension to the chrome web store.

Notice Title

Developing a Chrome Extension is very significantand easy process of creating an extra for your website. Which is an important factor for ranking fast and better the SEO of your website.

The advantage is, that your tool can drive traffic to your website, so changing that experience can result in new leads for your business.

As it creates a backlink of your website.

We have tried our best to explain the Concept of Chrome Extension.

You can now practically build your Chrome Extension.

Do read the article carefully. If you have any doubt do ask me. You can Comment down below.

Do share this article if you find it useful. Your every share matters to us a lot.

Thank you, Keep Shining😍

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